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(260) Rassegna stampa presenti

L'amante in città

…La sera, a una festa di presentazione per un libro pubblicato dalla casa editrice del presunto fedifrago, l’annunciato colpo di scena: l’amante esiste, ma non è esattamente colei che si pensava…


Movie Review Murder and Murder (1996)

Time Bent, Love Tested And Illness Faced Down – By the time Yvonne Rainer’s film ”Murder and Murder” is over, you will have come to know its main characters about as well as it is possible to know any two personalities projected onto a movie screen. You will, that is, if you’ve been paying close …



…The story told here is at least semiautobiographical. It concentrates on the events during that crucial, eponymous year that affect the lives of four members of a Hungarian family in San Francisco. …

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