Alan Bennett

Alan Bennett
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  • Data di nascita 09/05/1934
  • Luogo di nascita Armley/UK

Alan Bennett

Alan Bennett è uno scrittore e drammaturgo inglese. Con la commedia The History Boys ha vinto il Tony Award. Omosessuale dichiarato.
Alan Bennett è nato a Armley a Leeds, nello Yorkshire. Figlio di un macellaio, dopo gli studi secondari ha vinto una borsa di studio ad Oxford presso l’Exeter College, dove si è laureato in storia e dove è rimasto per diversi anni come ricercatore e docente di storia medievale, finché non ha abbandonato il mondo accademico per dedicarsi al teatro.
Nel 1960, ha esordito come attore e coautore dello spettacolo Beyond the Fringe. Nel 1968, a Londra, è andata in scena la sua prima commedia: Forty Years On. E’ del 1991 la sua commedia La pazzia di Giorgio III, che ha avuto la sua trasposizione cinematografica nel 1994 in La pazzia di Re Giorgio. Nel 2004 è avvenuta la prima rappresentazione della commedia The History Boys, che ha vinto 6 Tony Award e da cui, nel 2006, è stato tratto l’omonimo film.

In September 2005, Bennett revealed that, in 1997, he had undergone treatment for cancer, and described the illness as a “bore”. His chances of survival were given as being “much less” than 50%.[10] He began Untold Stories (published 2005) thinking it would be published posthumously. In the event his cancer went into remission. In the autobiographical sketches which form a large part of the book Bennett writes openly for the first time about his homosexuality (Bennett has had relationships with women as well, although this is only touched upon in Untold Stories). Previously Bennett had referred to questions about his sexuality as like asking a man who has just crawled across the Sahara desert to choose between Perrier or Malvern mineral water.
Bennett lives in Camden Town in London, and shares his home with Rupert Thomas, the editor of World of Interiors magazine. Bennett also had a long-term relationship with his former housekeeper, Anne Davies, until her death in 2009.
In 2010, Bennett described how he was mugged by two women who surreptitiously squirted him with ice cream in Marks & Spencer, Camden Town. As they purported to wipe off the confection with tissues, the robbers stole £1,500 cash he had withdrawn from the bank minutes earlier. Bennett, who initially was grateful the women had helped clean him said the experience afterwards made him ‘less likely to believe in the kindness of strangers.’ (Wikipedia)

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