This Life

This Life
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This Life

“This Life” è una serie televisiva drammatica prodotta dalla “World Productions” e creata da Amy Jenkins, andata in onda sulla BBC Two per due stagioni nel 1996 e 1997 (32 episodi di 50′), a cui si è aggiunto un episodio speciale di 80 minuti nel 2007 per dare conto di cosa fosse successo ai protagonisti negli ultimi 10 anni. La serie riuscì a creare un certo interesse solo dopo la replica della prima stagione, sufficiente per mandare in onda la seconda stagione (già realizzata) ma non abbastanza per metterne in cantiere una terza.
La serie è centrata sulla vita di cinque 25enni laureati in legge che sono all’inizio delle loro carriere lavorative e condividono una casa nel sud di Londra.
Abbiamo la coppia Egg e Milly che si frequentano dai tempi dell’università ma che ora hanno problemi con le scelte di lavoro: Milly è entusiata e molto legata al suo nuovo maturo boss, mentre Egg vorrebbe ritirarsi dalla carriera legale.
Anna e Miles vanno avanti in un rapporto di amore-odio che genera conflitti sia a casa che sul lavoro, dove spesso sono competitivi. Miles entra poi in panico da HIV quando scopre che la sua ragazza, Delilah, con la quale ha sempre fatto sesso senza precauzioni, ha anche rapporti sessuali con un ex eroinomane.
Il quinto personaggio, Warren, è un gay semi-dichiarato, che sentiamo spesso parlare di sessualità e del problema del coming out con amici e parenti, anche quando va dal suo terapista, che si limita ad ascoltarlo (e che noi vediamo pochissimo). Warren deve anche sopportare gli insulti omofobici di Miles, soprattutto quando quest’ultimo è arrabbiato. Solo nella seconda stagione vediamo Warren fidanzato al bisessuale Ferdy, ma la cosa non dura molto. La cosa curiosa è che il personaggio di Ferdy (Ramon Tikaram), era stato inserito nel plot con lo scopo di rimpiazzare l’attore Jason Hughes (che interpreta Warren) che voleva abbandonare la serie. Nel capitolo finale, presentato dieci anni dopo (2007), col titolo “This Life + 10”, vediamo cosa hanno fatto i nostri cinque protagonisti e il nostro Warren, diventato un “life coach” (aiuta i clienti a raggiungere gli obiettivi) di successo, è però un uomo infelice, abituato alle erbe ‘new-age’ e droghe varie. Molte sorprese lo attendono nella riunione del gruppo a casa di Miles. Vi annunciamo solo che lo stesso Miles confesserà che, a dispetto degli attacchi omofobici, era invece invaghito di Warren…

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Un commento

  1. Questo telefilm inglese mi ha piacevolmente sorpresa.. Sebbene degli anni ’90 non risulta per nulla datato, anzi molto attinente pure ai giorni nostri.. Mi piacciono tutti i personaggi, ognuno con il proprio stile, ognuno preso da suoi problemi.. Si va dalla coppia di vecchia data, alla donna (e all’uomo) libertina non in grado di avere relazioni vere, al personaggio gay con le sue svariate sfaccettature.. Non rivelo altro per chi vorrà vederlo.. A me è piaciuto assai! Ancora non ho trovato la puntata del 2007.. Sono molto curiosa di vederla!



Trasmessa in Italia dal 6 marzo 2010 sul canale Hallmark (Sky)

Episodi stagione 1 (1996)

1. Coming Together
2. Happy Families
3. Living Dangerously
4. Sex, Lies and Muesli Yoghurt
5. Fantasy Football
6. Family Outing
7. Brief Encounter
8. Cheap Thrills
9. Just Sex
10. Father Figure
11. Let’s Get It On

Episodi stagione 2 (1997)

1. Last Tango in Southwark
2. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?
3. The Bi Who Came In From The Cold
4. How To Get In Bed By Advertising
5. Small Town Boyo
6. Unusual Suspect
7. He’s Leaving Home
8. Room With A Queue
9. Men Behaving Sadly
10. When The Dope Comes In
11. She’s Got to Get It
12. The Plumber Always Rings Twice
13. Wish You Were Queer
14. Who’s That Girl?
15. From Here To Maternity
16. One Bedding And A Funeral
17. The Secret Of My Excess
18. Diet Hard
19. Milly Liar
20. Secrets And Wives
21. Apocalypse Wow

Episodi stagione 3 (2007)

1. Reunion Special


Warren always says what he thinks – and he’s a fairly perceptive guy. His first remark to Anna is ‘you don’t like yourself’ (provoking the rejoinder ‘fuck off’) and he tells Egg that he needs space and boundaries at work. Egg’s response is to ask him if he speaks English.

Well Warren does speak English – but with a Welsh accent and plenty of Welsh baggage to boot. That’s why he’s in therapy: his repressed upbringing in a provincial Welsh town left its mark. His Achilles heel is that he wants to come out to his family. Although generally happy and confident and at ease with his sexuality, he is still trying to ‘find himself’ (predictably, Anna’s response to that is unprintable).

Warren’s successful application for a job at Moore Spencer Wright is a two-edged sword: it marks the first step to success in the big city – but he also sees it as a regression. He’s back with the people who ‘didn’t want him’ at college and still don’t want him. But Warren’s wrong about that: Milly, Egg and Miles just didn’t know him at college. At work he strikes up an immediate friendship with Milly (they’re both highly ambitious) but irritates the hell out of Egg with his enthusiasm and therapy-speak. Then Egg warms to him when he makes it clear how hard he fought to get out of small-town Wales and how he remains focused and fighting because if he doesn’t he’ll back to being ‘helpless’. Egg is actually rather impressed – and feels guilty about not asking Warren to move into the house. He’s just about to when O’Donnell calls him away. Warren gets into the house anyway – by answering the newspaper ad. Now they all feel guilty. But Warren’s feeling great. Now he belongs.

Then his chirpy cousin Kira appears on the scene, sending shock waves down Warren’s spine: she’ll tell his family if she finds out he’s gay. He has yet to discover that, like everyone else, Kira is not remotely concerned about Warren’s sexuality. She’s actually rather pleased when she finds out: she was beginning to think his reserve in front of her was actually dislike. They become firm friends and Kira resolves to find him a boyfriend – she’s not convinced that Warren’s sex life – cruising the heath and ‘cottaging’ in public toilets – is any fun at all. Nor, deep down, is Warren.

Although he’s widely recognised at the most convincing gay character on television (neither a token queer nor a representative of the ‘gay ghetto’), Warren never became a gay icon. Gay Times blames the brown pinstripe suits and the propensity to fret: Attitude claims it’s because he ‘never has any fun’. The latter accusation is unfair – Warren does have fun (being ‘shagged into another dimension for six hours’ by Ferdy springs to mind) and he’s got a fine line in sardonic banter. But fundamentally he’s quite a serious bloke on a quest.

His quest for a relationship is pretty unfortunate. Envious of Egg and Milly’s relationship and even their problems – ‘what are my problems?’ he tells a therapist. ‘Stingy nettles at three in the morning’ – he then finds himself in a situation with Ferdy that is more problem than relationship. Nul points to Ferdy for being vile. Their one night of steamy sex leaves Warren feeling he’s found true love – but it sends Ferdy scuttling back to his fiancee. A distraught Warren feels he’s back at square one again. In need of solace, he decides, after several false starts, to come out to his brother Dale. A mistake. Dale can’t handle that fact: he articulates the word ‘gay’, finds the word tastes sour in his mouth and walks away.

And then it gets worse: Warren’s career is comprehensively queerbashed by an indecency conviction. It’s the end of This Life as he knows it. Yet it was a life that reaped rewards. When in adversity, he really found out who his friends were (even Miles rallies round) and, on a wider level, he gave the British public it’s most realistic gay TV character – and an understanding of the dual meaning of ‘cottage’. (

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