Valentine Road

Valentine Road
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Valentine Road

Nel febbraio del 2008, più precisamente il giorno di San Valentino, in California, Brandon spara al compagno di classe Larry per punirlo di avergli spedito un bigliettino amoroso. Due giorni dopo la sparatoria, Larry muore e l’omicidio sconvolge la piccola comunità di Oxnard. Valentine Road vuole per prima cosa essere un inno alla tolleranza e raccontare la tragedia della vittima come del carnefice, entrambi ragazzi problematici e sessualmente abusati, in un drammatico grido di dolore contro qualsiasi forma di discriminazione. (Mix Milano)



trailer: Valentine Road


On February 12, 2008, in Oxnard, California, eighth-grade student Brandon McInerney shot his classmate Larry King twice in the back of the head during first period. When Larry died two days later, his murder shocked the nation. Was this a hate crime, one perpetrated by a budding neo-Nazi whose masculinity was threatened by an effeminate gay kid who may have had a crush on him? Or was there even more to it? Looking beyond all the copious news coverage of this tragic event, Valentine Road tells the story of two victims: the deceased and the murderer. With keen insight, the film connects the human wreckage of Larry’s and Brandon’s troubled lives-both physically abused, both from broken homes, and both searching for a sense of belonging. (Imdb)

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