Strange Frame

Strange Frame
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Strange Frame

Il primo film d’animazione lesbico che unisce fantascienza e rock’roll. Il tema centrale del film è la forza trasformatrice dell’amore tra due donne. Ci troviamo alla fine del 28mo secolo, 200 anni dopo il Grande Esodo. Siamo su ganimede, una delle lune di Giove. La Terra è stata da tempo decimata e la razza umana ha dovuto abbandonarla. Per sopravvivere ai climi rigidi di altri pianeti e lune, gli esseri umani hanno geneticamente modificato se stessi rendendo il colore della pelle e degli organi sessuali una questione di moda. Naia, una giovane e grintosa cantautrice, s’innamora della bella sassofonista Parker. Le due formano una band e agiscono all’unisono, con un’armonia perfetta, grazie anche ad un legame profondo, che cresce nel corso degli anni. La musica non è il loro unico impegno: devono anche combattere continuamente per la loro libertà. Ora sono al culmine della fama ma i problemi sembrano aggravarsi… Uno psichedelico e coloratissimo film d’animazione che, con un’originale disegno a mano, ci porta in un mondo di pirati spaziali, schiavi a contratto e mutazioni genetiche. Accompagnato da una musica coinvolgente, il film crea un racconto onirico di raro fascino. Il film ha vinto il Big Island Film Festival 2013 e il Dragon Con Film Festival 2012



trailer: Strange Frame


28th century, 200 years after the Great Earth Exodus. Naia, a feisty, young singer/songwriter, falls in love with the beautiful saxophonist Parker in Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons. The two form a band – and now they have to not only make it as musicians but also to fight for their freedom. Dramatically rendered in rich, hand drawn animation, Strange Frame brings us into a world of space pirates, indentured slaves and genetic mutations – infused with music throughout, to create a dreamlike tale unlike anything you’ve ever seen.


“probably one of the most visually riveting movies released in recent years. The energy and beauty of the animation, and the strength of its vocal performers (particularly Curry, who is the definitive voice actor for flamboyant evil) keep this story of love up among the stars.” – Adam Mohrbacher, FilmMonthly

“It’s thrilling, sexy, entertaining due to it’s massive amount of music and visual stimulation, but more importantly, a story that has a deep meaning and a refreshing plotline. This film has cult classic written all over it.” – AJ Garcia, Shakefire

“Some films are instant cult classics the minute they appear. G.B.Hajim’s STRANGE FRAME is one such film.” – Heather Massey, The Galaxy Express

“Not since WIZARDS have I enjoyed a rock musical with animation this much. Speaking of animation the characters are exquisite…The smooth flow of this cutting edge film is more than sci-fi animation – it is an experience not to be missed.” – Jeri Jacquin, Movie Maven

“an electrifying trip for the eyeballs, fully embracing a visual style that, at most, very few films share.” – Tyler Foster , DVDTalk

“What the fuck? No really. What the fuck? I must have said that at least twenty times while watching this crazy, visual trip of a film…I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen and will be tuning in again for repeat viewings.” – Mike Gencarelli, MediaMikes

“If you?re a sci-fi fan this a must see…like a vintage issue of Heavy Metal come to life and given depth. The graphics alone could make Strange Frame a head-turner, but then add to it a legendary sci-fi voice cast…it’s own beast, and well worth a look if you get a chance.” – Brett Cullum, DVD Verdict

“One could call Strange Frame the best animated motion comic, except that it is not a comic…the combination of the hand-painted, computer assisted animation and CGI results in a very unique look. This will draw in a lot of people, even if they are not drawn in by the story. Personally, I was fascinated with both.” – C.S. Strowbridge, The Numbers

“If ever you wondered what a truly unhinged mash-up of the dominant production styles of Heavy Metal, Barbarella and Blade Runner would look like, here’s your chance.” – Danielle Riendeau, AfterEllen

“The awesome does not stop….Wildly Inventive” – Tracy Gilchrist, SheWired
“The animation is very much like something out of a dream.” – Alexander Bustos, Comic Attack

“the film excels is with the music…soulful jazz riffs on solo saxophone that will make your heart ache just listening to them.” – Siobhan Greene, Fangoria

“ the visuals are what made this movie. Think 1960’s acid trip meets dreamlike anime film and add in a futuristic space setting. At the start of the movie, you feel overwhelmed by how much is going on at once. Then, once you realize Hajim knows exactly what he’s doing with all of these elements, it’s easy to sit back, relax and let the story take the wheel.” -Jade Salazar, Tagg Magazine

“the movie goes out of its way for its consumers. It has danceable songs, spaceships, nipples, clever dialogue…it is not only a Blade Runner movie but also an A Star Is Born movie…” – Jason Rohrer, Stage and Cinema

“just what the doctor ordered” – Karman Kregloe, Huffington Post

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