The Sisterhood

The Sisterhood
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The Sisterhood

I braccianti del ‘Hazendal Wine Estate’, Pietie, Hope e Rollie non sono i tipici braccianti vinicoli sudafricani. Hope aspira a vincere il concorso locale per drag queen, Rollie sogna un marito e di conservare la corona di drag queen mentre Pietie lotta con la sua educazione religiosa mentre è ossessionato dalle rose, dai polli e dai piccioni. Un’incrdibile storia di orgoglio e accettazione dal Sud Africa del dopo Apartheid. (FQFF)



trailer: The Sisterhood


Hazendal farmhands Pietie, Hope and Rollie are not your typical Western Cape wine workers. Hope aspires to winning the local drag beauty pageant, Rollie is the raining queen of the pageant and dreams of finding a husband, and Pietie struggles with his religious upbringing while obsessing over his roses, chickens, and pigeons. These three trans-gender wine workers confront prejudice at every turn from their farming community, city trans-genders and the world at large. Roger Horn’s film manages to find the fabulous in the fraught and offers a portrait of triumph in togetherness rather than loneliness in victimization. (Imdb)

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