Shabbat Dinner

Shabbat Dinner
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Shabbat Dinner

La cena del Shabbat coi famigliari è come al solito assai noiosa per William Shore. Sua madre ha invitato due hippies stravaganti con il loro figlio e sta facendo del suo meglio per mostrarsi accogliente. Suo padre è ubriaco e lancia rimproveri alla stranezza degli ospiti, mentre si capisce che lui non ha molto in comune con il loro figlio Virgo. Nella stanza di William i due ragazzi si parlano con schiettezza mentre nella sala da pranzo gli adulti continuano a chiacchierare di banalità sulla scuola, sul matrimonio ebraico e sui gelati senza grassi. Virgo dice a Williams che ha appena fatto il suo coming out come gay… Il corto ci apre una finestra sul mondo della classe media newyorkese, con la sua miriade di regole e tensioni. Attraverso la storia dei due ragazzi vengono affrontati i temi universali della ricerca della verità e dell’accettazione nell’adolescenza.



trailer: Shabbat Dinner


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Shabbat Dinner is boring as usual for William Shore. His mother has invited two crazy hippies and their son and is doing her best to show off, his father is drunk and berating their oddball guests, and he doesn’t have much in common with their son Virgo. That is, until Virgo tells him that he has just come out as gay. In William’s room, the boys speak directly to each other about themselves, while just a few feet away the adults discuss trivialities about prep school, marrying Jewish, and nonfat ice cream. Shabbat Dinner opens a window into the world of Upper Middle Class New York society, with its myriad rules and tensions. In telling the coming out story of two boys, it addresses universal issues of finding acceptance and truth as a teenager.
(Michael Morgenstern, Imdb)


I truly enjoyed Shabbat Dinner. It made me feel strongly. It reminded me how incredibly vulnerable I once felt about my own same-sex attraction. I also felt the same need to hide such an important part of myself from others! There is also plenty of humor in this powerful short film, which given the intensity of the subject matter is much appreciated! I also had the good fortune to meet the director, Michael Morgenstern. He mentioned Shabbat Dinner was his first film! I was amazed! If his first film is this good, I can’t wait to see what else he comes up with in the future! (Dan G, Imdb)

A very well written short film; Great cast, and well directed. There we moments that I was laughing hard. This is an interesting story of a young boy who is intrigued at having his very first gay friend and seems interested in what it means to be gay. The lead character does a great job at his young age. The camera work could have been better but besides that overall this is a great short film and is definitely worth seeing. The films ends at and interesting note that I will leave for you to watch. I hope this short film plays in several other festivals! (Jesse Rivera, Imdb)

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