My Name Is Love

My Name Is Love
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My Name Is Love

Love ha preso la sua decisione: mai come questa sera si sente pronto a rivelare al mondo i desideri e i sentimenti che ha dovuto tenere nascosti per tutti questi anni. La voglia di incontrare una persona speciale, che brucia dentro di lui, sembra non trovare più pace. L’essersi imbattuto in Sebastian forse rappresenta più che un segno: entrambi nascondono lo stesso segreto e condividerlo potrebbe rappresentare il modo giusto per iniziare una nuova vita. Purtroppo per Love, però, la via verso l’amore da lui tanto cercato è irta di dolore. (Togay 2010)


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Two guys. One encounter. Same secret. Love has made his decision. Tonight he’s gonna let all those hidden feelings he’s been having for all these years come out, and create a possibility to meet someone special. It was quite a while since the last time now and Sebastian’s secret desire is getting harder to deny. His girlfriend is out of town so the timing is perfect.
Love and Sebastian meet eachother by a coincidence at a street in the romantic Swedish summernight. They happen to share the same secret, but their encounter is going to cause severe consequences for the both of them – when an innocent flirt soon turns in to a dangerously liaison.
The short film “My name is Love” is tragicly based on a true story. A friend of mine told me what he´d been through several years before and at the time he never dared to tell anyone about it and didn’t go the police to report the rape. My friend was not open with his homosexuality and was both ashamed of his sexuality, and of what he’d been through because of his desire to meet a guy.
I’ve made this movie in a tribute to my friend and to all of those young men out there in the world who has been through something like the character “Love”. It’s about time someone dare to talk about this subject. It happens to women AND to men also, and like always – a NO is always a NO! (

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