La Moglie ideale

La Moglie ideale
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La Moglie ideale

Marty Barnes, un frenetico imprenditore edile di Los Angeles è decisamente un uomo che si è sfogliato troppe riviste pornografiche, e ad un certo punto ha iniziato a non provare più desiderio nei confronti della moglie; stufo di una vita sessuale monotona e senza impennate, propone alla compagna un menage a tre per soddisfare la sua fantasia di andare con due donne. Qui però avviene l’inaspettato giro di boa, dopo una nottata favolosa con la moglie e una sconosciuta, la donna inizia a dimostrare di essere interessata a proseguire l’esperimento, anche da sola. Si mette quindi con impegno a corteggiare tutte le donne che incontra, compresa la segretaria del marito. La donna diventa un mostro del sesso lesbico. Commedia piccante e politicamente scorretta, dove comunque non si vede niente e in complesso poco riuscita.



trailer: La Moglie ideale


This film asks the question – What if your wife said yes to a menage-a-trois with another woman….and loved it?
The film is a comedy. Marty and Laura Barnes have a wonderful life, the house, the yard, the successful building business, and the cars. Marty and his partner Billy are residential builders. Their model home is under construction and life is good.
Marty begs and begs Laura to try something different, to shake up the marriage or, as Marty puts it; “put some life into it.” After much hesitation, Laura gives in and agrees. In true “careful what you wish for” form, Laura loves it. She seduces his secretary, the girl at the salon, the girl down the street, his partner´s wife… She changes and loves it. Marty, after first enjoying his new ´dream come true´ freedom, comes to realize that his wife spends more time with the girls, has reached a new level of strength, freedom and happiness, and he’s the odd man out in his own bed.
Finally Laura comes to realize that she actually wants only her husband and they work to rebuild their marriage.
“The Sex Monster” is a hilarious look at marriage and sexuality in the late 90´s with an original story line and a great cast. (Produzione)


Writer-director Mike Binder (Blankman) stars in The Sex Monster, a comedy about the sort of sexual humiliation that follows when a woman (Mariel Hemingway) lured into a threesome by her boorish husband (Binder) discovers that she enjoys having sex with women and doesn’t intend to stop. It’s a reasonably promising premise, and there may be a good movie to be made from the set-up, but The Sex Monster isn’t it. Rather than dealing with the emotional issues inherent in such a situation, then letting the humor flow from real anguish (as Being John Malkovich did), The Sex Monster is content to stay light and idiotic. That might have worked were it an effective comedy, but it’s not. Instead, it’s smug and lazy, filled with cardboard characters (Binder is an unappealing sitcom stooge, while Hemingway is defined entirely by her sexuality), strained farce, and obvious observations about human nature. Embarrassment, humiliation, and the awkwardness that accompany losing control can be potent fodder for comedy, but The Sex Monster is itself awkward and embarrassing, and not the least bit funny. Like the films of fellow cinematic antichrists Eric Schaeffer and Myles Berkowitz, The Sex Monster invites an almost personal hostility toward its maker, disdain derived from having to sit through nearly two insufferable hours of one irritating little man’s bad ideas. (Nathan Rabin,

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