Illegal Love

Illegal Love
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Illegal Love

Nel 2008 la regista francese Julie Gali si recò negli USA per filmare l’elezione di Barack Obama. Nonostante questa vittoria dei diritti civili, apparve subito chiaro che altre minoranze erano oltraggiate e dimenticate. In California, ad esempio, passava il referendum sulla Proposition 8 che aboliva i diritti recentemente conquistati dal movimento gay. La regista Gali, decide quindi di affrontare questa problematica, impegnandosi direttamente nelle lotte della comunità gay culminate nella Marcia dell’Uguaglianza dell’11 ottobre 2009 a Washington DC. Il film, girato tra Novembre 2008 e Ottobre 2010 in USA, Francia e Spagna, si divide in tre parti: Illegalità, Amore, Rivolta. Attraverso ritratti di famiglie e coppie che sono state colpite da questo referendum, mescolati a incontri con oppositori e supporter della Proposition 8, il film ci mostra il cuore della società americana, costretta a confrontarsi con un tema dalle ripercussioni internazionali. “La lotta della comunità gay“, dice la regista, “rappresenta il tema principale sui diritti civili della nostra era. E’ una lotta che interessa tutti coloro che credono profondamente nell’uguaglianza. Questo film non rientra nella categoria dei cosidetti ‘film gay’. Partecipando in prima persona alla lotta della comunità gay della California, ho voluto mostrare che è tempo ormai di correggere i nostri pregiudizi sull’omosessualità e di combattere contro tutte le forme di razzismo e discriminazione



trailer: Illegal Love


United States, November 4th, 2008. On the same day that Barack Obama is elected President of the United States, Proposition 8 is passed in California. For the homosexual community, it is an abrupt awakening. Gay marriages become illegal again. The day after the election, spontaneous demonstrations break out across California. In an electric atmosphere, a whole community is chanting: “Gay! Straight! Black! White! Marriage is a civil right!” Initially planning on filming the Democratic campaign in Los Angeles, a young director finds herself at the heart of this struggle that divides the population of California. She decides to follow the emergence of this new massive political and social movement, highly motivated and organized. On October 11th, 2009, after months of mobilization, a March for Equality is organized in Washington DC, similar to Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s march in 1963.
In 2008 French filmmaker Julie Gali traveled to the US to film the election of Barack Obama. In spite of this victory for civil rights, it soon became apparent that the rights of another minority were under threat. In California the passing of Proposition 8 marked the only time in U.S. history that a civil right was actually taken away after it had been granted. Upon seeing this, Ms. Gali decided to immerse herself in the growing grassroots struggle of the gay community, which culminated in the October 11, 2009 March for Equality in Washington DC.
Shot between November 2008 and October 2010 in the United States, France and Spain, Illegal Love is divided into three parts, Illegality, Love and Revolt. It’s the story of a struggle for equality, a veritable civil rights battle in our era.
Through a series of encounters between supporters and opponents of Proposition 8, as well as through portraits of families and couples concerned by this abrupt change, Illegal Love is a journey into the heart of American society. It’s the discovery of a local issue with international repercussions.
A Question to Julie Gali, Illegal Love’s director
What was your motivation to work on a documentary about Proposition 8 ?
The struggle of the gay community is the civil- rights movement of our era. It is not only a struggle for the gay community. It concerns everyone who has a deep-seated belief in equality. Illegal Love does not fit into the category of “gay” cinema. By immersing myself in the fight of the California gay community I wanted to show that it was time to revise our prejudices against homosexuality, and to fight all forms of racism and discrimination. (Queer Palm 2011)

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