How Are You

How Are You
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How Are You

Il documentario di Jannik Splidsboel è un ritratto della vita e delle opere del duo artistico scandinavo formato da Michael Elmgreen (nato a Copenhagen nel 1961) e Ingar Dragset (nato a Trondheim, in Norvegia, nel 1968), giunto solo in anni recenti al successo e al riconoscimento internazionale.
Compagni nella vita e nell’arte, i due si sono incontrati – e innamorati – nella metà degli Anni Novanta, quando Elmgreen lavorava alle sue prime installazioni artistiche, mentre Dragset era un talentuoso clown con una passione sfrenata per i lavori a maglia. Dal loro incontro nasce Instant baby, primo di una lunga serie di opere, happenings e installazioni provocatorie e controverse. Nel 1997 si trasferiscono a Berlino: è nella capitale tedesca che il loro lavoro – che fonde scultura e architettura – comincia a ricevere riscontro a livello internazionale, grazie ad opere come la serie di Powerless Structures (2001), o la roulotte che emerge dal pavimento della Galleria Vittorio Emanuele a Milano al traino di una Uno bianca, in Short Cut (2003), realizzato per la Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, o ancora Prada Marfa (2005), il finto store collocato nel deserto del Texas. Tra le loro opere più celebri, il discusso monumento alle vittime omosessuali dell’Olocausto, al Tiergarten di Berlino (spesso oggetto di atti vandalici). Il 2009 è l’anno della consacrazione, con la progettazione del padiglione della Danimarca e dei Paesi Nordici alla Biennale di Venezia e la menzione speciale della giuria per il progetto The Collectors. (Gender Bender)



trailer: How Are You


HOW ARE YOU is a remarkable documentary about two now famous artists. The film brings us back to when they fell in love with each other and started working together. And even though the two young rebels started out shooting salt water into their veins, they ended up meeting a real queen at the peak of their fame. In an astonishing few years Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset have become some of the biggest stars in the international art world. In a sharp, playful and humorous way they pinpoint important themes such as identity, sexuality, welfare and democracy. With simple twists and turns they make us confront ourselves and make us face the conformity and tightness of everyday life and our idiosyncrasies. The film not only displays a strong selection of their works – and the makings of these. It also strings out their carrier from when the pink-knitting clown helped the emerging artist to create an Instant Baby… (Imdb)

Artists Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset, whose Danish and Nordic Pavilions show graced the 2009 Venice Biennale, are seen conceptualizing and creating their installations in Jannik Splidsboel’s light but enjoyable docu “How Are You.” Best known for works that force viewers to challenge their ideas of the status quo, the duo — a couple in art and life — come off as pleasantly irreverent if not exactly deep, enjoying their success while waiting for the next idea to materialize. Two shortened versions of the pic will do best on TV after the present format travels the docu and gay fest circuit.
The pair met in the ’90s and soon launched into collaborations heavily influenced by Jean Genet and body art. As their vision matured, they’ve sought ways to incorporate their ideas on society, life and politics into works celebrated for their wit and questioning of easy presumptions. The docu’s largest chunk is spent with the Venice show, “The Collectors,” in which they created two homes with obvious signs of family tension and hired actors to play realtors guiding visitors through. Scandinavian exactitude clashes with Italian vagueness, but kudos result. Visuals are problem-free.

Camera (color, HD), Boje Lomholdt; editors, Mette Esmark, Thomas Papapetros; music, Frithjof Toksvig; sound (Dolby SR), Brian Dyrby.
(Jay Weissberg, Variety)

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