Candy Rain

Candy Rain
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  • Tendenza LGBT LLL
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Candy Rain

Candy Rain racconta quattro storie intime e poetiche di donne innamorate nella Taipei contemporanea. Jessie ha deciso di ricominciare la sua vita a Taipei dopo aver rotto con il suo fidanzato e litigato con la famiglia. La sua amica di liceo e ammiratrice segreta Pon le ha detto: “Mi prenderò cura di te”. U è dell’ariete, e si sa proteggere bene. Cerca l’amore ideale ma non sa dove trovarlo. Spancer è innamorata di Summer, che si sta sposando. Prima di dirsi addio, promettono di rivedersi da lì a dieci anni. Le relazioni di Ricky invece sono sempre violente: come fuochi d’artificio: meravigliose ma corte. Per Ricky, è un circolo vizioso… (Togay 2008)


4 commenti



Love offers a downpour of ennui with occasional showers of enjoyment in the lightweight lesbian meller “Candy Rain,” the feature bow by Taiwan’s prolific commercials/musicvideo helmer Chen Hung-i. Collection of four vignettes, tenuously strung together, is sweetened by a “Reality Bites” sensibility, but slim content may prompt some viewers to exit early. A natural for gay-themed fests looking for international and generally upbeat fare, pic is sufficiently arty to appeal to regular festgoers too.
Based on the lovelorn experiences of some of Chen’s lesbian friends, the film starts with a breezy (and easily excisable) sequence that tests auds’ patience prior to the more engaging stories that follow. Penultimate yarn has the most emotional heft, portraying lovers Spancer (Niki Wu) and Summer (Kao Yi-ling), who agree to separate for 10 years while the latter explores heterosexuality. Only name actress is Hong Kong-based Karena Lam, in the over-theatrical final seg, convincingly playing a butch lesbian whose relationships always end in violence. Overall, perfs are charming, if rough, and the whole movie is gracefully shot. Stories are linked by a running gag about a package delivery for a person named Candy Rain. (Russell Edwards, Variety)

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