Boy Cheerleaders

Boy Cheerleaders
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Boy Cheerleaders

Per vincere il campionato nazionale di cheerleading, competizione tipicamente femminile, “ci vogliono le palle”: parola di Ian Rodley, allenatore della DAZL Diamonds, squadra di cheerleaders molto particolare. È infatti formata da 9 ragazzini di Leeds, che si allenano duramente per vincere l’ambito trofeo. Rodley, instancabile, pretende dai suoi allievi la perfezione, dalle coreografie alle espressioni facciali, ma la strada per il successo è lunga… Il documentario di James Newton racconta i sogni, le speranze e le vite di questi aspiranti Billy Elliott e delle loro famiglie al seguito. E tra un’evoluzione e un lancio di pon pon rosa, emergono anche i conflitti familiari e il peso di certi padri troppo assenti. Così è Rodley a farsi carico dell’educazione dei ragazzi, insegnando loro a sbagliare per imparare dagli errori e a perseguire i loro obiettivi senza arrendersi mai. Riusciranno i nostri giovani eroi a diventare la prima squadra tutta al maschile a vincere il campionato a Coventry, e a riscattare così le loro vite attraverso la danza? (Gender Bender)



trailer: Boy Cheerleaders


Part Billy Elliot and part Bring It On by way of a British remake of The Sandlot, Boy Cheerleaders follows the DAZL Diamonds from the meaner streets of South Leeds. The Diamonds are the first ever all male cheer squad (made of kids ages 8-14) to make it into the UK national cheerleading championships. The film focuses mostly on the coaches and 3 of the team members who are growing up with single mothers. The kids are funny and real without coming across as stereotypes or like they are being exploited for a cheap laugh. The relationships between the kids and their mothers are particularly well fleshed out and the hard work (amidst all the childish distraction) is evident. One of the boys, Harvey (who naturally likens himself to Billy Elliot) might be the most bad ass nine year old ever seen in a documentary.

…James Newton clearly wants to show that the boys are not only gaining confidence from participating in the squad, but they are also getting a surrogate father in their coach, Ian Rodley. Ian speaks to the boys in an authoritative way that their own mothers do not. He instills in them the importance of hard work, but also the importance of believing there is a bigger world outside of their poor neighborhood. It is too bad that the film did not delve deeper into Ian’s life as he is a fascinating, if not inspirational, character. Boy Cheerleaders may not bring anything groundbreaking to the screen, but that does not mean it is not worth a look. Wearing its feel good heart on its sleeve, the film is a crowd pleaser that achieves what it sets out to do. (

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