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Bol racconta la storia di una famiglia di Lahore, in Pakistan, costretta a fare i conti con le difficoltà economiche e con il carattere tirannico del capofamiglia Hakim. L’uomo desidera un figlio maschio, ma dopo sette figlie sua moglie dà alla luce un bimbo ermafrodita, Saifee. Hakim vorrebbe che non fosse mai nato, ma il resto della famiglia si prende cura amorevolmente del nuovo arrivato. Presto però la situazione economica peggiora e l’autorità paterna viene sempre più messa in discussione, soprattutto dalla figlia maggiore Zainub, che non tollera più i valori religiosi che l’uomo ha inculcato alla famiglia. Raccontando le sofferenze, le lotte, i desideri, i sentimenti e le aspirazioni di Zainub, Saifee e delle loro sorelle, Bol E’ anche una riflessione sul valore della donna e della diversità di genere in una società chiusa e ferocemente maschilista, su che cosa significhi mettere al mondo un essere umano senza preoccuparsi del suo diritto alla felicità. Regista, produttore, scrittore e musicista, Shoaib Mansoor è uno dei nomi più noti e influenti della scena artistica pakistana. Il suo debutto come regista avviene nel 2007, con l’acclamato Khuda Ke Liye, con il quale vince il Silver Pyramid Award all’International Film Festival del Cairo. (Gender Bender)



trailer: Bol


Zainub Khan has been found guilty by Pakistan’s Courts and is to be hanged. Her last wish is to tell her story before the media, and after approval, she relates how her family was compelled to leave Delhi during 1948 and re-locate to Lahore. This is where her father, Hakim Sayed Hashmutallah Khan, married Suraiya, and hoping to sire a son, instead ended up with 7 daughters. The 8th child turned out to be a hermaphrodite and Hashmutullah wanted it dead but Suraiya insisted that she will not let anyone know so as not to shame her husband. They named the child Saifullah, and hired a tutor to teach him at home. After a failed marriage, Zainub returns home, notices that the tutor was molesting her brother and asks him to leave. With dwindling income from his father, unable to attend school, his mother giving birth to still-born babies, his siblings uneducated, Saifullah is then himself compelled to seek employment. It is here he will be sexually molested and subsequently killed by his father, who bribes the police by embezzling Rs.2 Lakhs from the Masjid where he presides as a Khajanchi. In order to return the money to the Masjid, he starts to tutor children of prostitutes with the help of Saqa Kanjar. When their neighbor’s son, Mustafa, proposes marriage for his daughter, Ayesha, he refuses, as they are Shiah, and plans to marry her to a much older male. Things will change rapidly when Saqa will make a proposition that will change everyone’s lives forever. (Imdb)


Bol is a roller coaster ride of emotions, an inspiring bold movie that takes you through sensitive gender issues and troubles, regarding family planning in the society. Director Shoaib Mansoor has treated the challenging subject really well and the film doesn’t seem like a three hour long public advertisement on family planning. The first half is inspiring, though the screenplay in the second half is not that gripping with unnecessary insertion of music. But overall the film is refreshing and tells you about the virtues of small family without being preachy. (

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