All About Love

All About Love
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All About Love

Macy (Sandra Ng) e Anita (Vivian Chow) erano fidanzate fino a quando Macy abbandonò Anita. Si ritrovano per caso dopo 12 anni ad un corso di gravidanza. Sebbene siano entrambe incinta, sono tuttora single e ancora attratte una dall’altra. Fanno insieme una lunga passeggiata dove si raccontano come sono rimaste gravide. Anita ha avuto un incontro fortuito ed occasionale con Mike (William Chan). Viene assicurata dal suo dottore che la gravidanza procede bene ma che dovrebbe accertarsi che il suo compagno di una notte sia una persone in salute. Rintracciato Mike viene a sapere che è uno studente ventenne con tutte le garanzie necessarie.
Macy invece si era trovata in un momento in cui il suo studio legale era rimasto senza fondi e, disperata, aveva preso come lavoro la difesa di Robert (Eddie Cheung), accusato di violenza domestica verso la moglie. Dopo aver ascoltato la sua storia Macy aiuta il suo cliente a recuperare un rapporto corretto e amorevole con la moglie. La cosa ha funzionato e la moglie ha deciso di ritirare la denuncia. Per celebrare la felice conclusione si trovano una sera dove succede quello che non doveva succedere e anche Macy, come Anita, si ritrova involontariamente gravida. Ora le due donne si sentono come doppiamente unite e decise a riprendere la loro storia d’amore. Ma ci sono alcuni ostacoli da superare, come quello dei due padri che non vogliono essere tagliati fuori e soprattutto le differenti prospettive che le due donne hanno sui figli in arrivo. Macy, per impegni di lavoro, vorrebbe dare il figlio ad amiche lesbiche che hanno problemi con l’adozione. Anita, invece, vorrebbe che allevassero i loro figli come una normale famiglia felice, mentre allo stesso tempo si ritrova ad avere problemi sul posto di lavoro in quanto madre single… Il film, diretto da una delle registe più famose di Hong Kong, ci offre un quadro intelligente e divertente della scena queer nella sua città, affrontando problemi come le nuove famiglie, la maternità, la sessualità e la discriminazione, con spirito, humor e comprensione. Il film è stato definito come la versione orientale di “I ragazzi stanno bene”.


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trailer: All About Love


Macy (Sandra Ng) and Anita (Vivian Chow) used to be lovers until Macy left her. They reunite at a pregnancy talk after 12 years later. Even though they are both pregnant, they are still single and there are still chemistry between them. As they took long walks in sending each other home, they recount about how they got pregnant.
Anita hooked up with Mike (William Chan) a blind date who turned out to be a quick draw but he was a quick and accurate shot and pretty soon, Anita found out that she is pregnant. As a mature pregnant woman, the doctor assured her that it will be all right if the male donor is healthy. Taking that in account, she seek her one night lover out and realized that he is only an university undergrad who is approaching 20.
Macy pregnancy on the other hand had it’s own interesting tale. Her law firm was running out of funds and in desperation, she took up the job of defending Robert (Eddie Cheung) a wife beater. After listening to his side of story, she advised her client on how give his wife the proper love instead. Her method worked and her wife decided not to sue the wife beater. Their celebration eventually turned into a night of affair and like Anita, Macy became pregnant in the most unlikely circumstances.
After the meet up at the pregnancy talk, the feeling between them reignited. But as they resumed their relationship, there are still some obstacles in their way. The two sperm donors / fathers were still hounding them. Macy was still having commitment issues and would like her lesbian friends who are having problem with child adoption to adopt her unborn child. Anita on the other hand would like to raise their children as one happy family (like what happened in The Kids are All Right). To top it off, Anita had to face discrimination at work for being a unwed pregnant mom.


“…The most pleasing aspect of “All About Love” is the way in which Hui and Yang manage to combine aspects of the romantic comedy and social conscience drama genres into an entertaining and thoughtful blend. Although the film may sound very much like an overt taboo challenging or issue heavy affair, it’s actually first and foremost a very humanistic and warm hearted piece. Whilst it does spend a great deal of time with its characters talking and discussing various key subjects, this is woven into the film quite naturally, and things never get heavy handed or preachy. Certainly, the question of its protagonists’ sexuality never really takes centre stage, with the main theme being of gender and family politics in modern Hong Kong. Even this is tackled with a pleasingly wide scope, covering the difficulties faced by both sexes and the complexities which can challenge relationships of all types, and the film is ultimately about commitment and unconventional families as much as anything else.
At the same time, the film is frequently very funny, thanks to Yang’s sharp and witty script, which shows a wonderfully observant sense of humour mixed with old fashioned farce. In general this balances well with the film’s more worthy aspects, and helps to give things a fun and flirty feel. The relationship between Macy and Anita progresses in a wholly believable manner, and though the film never really throws any truly threatening problems at them, it does keep the viewer interested as to how things will work out between them and the various other characters. Partly this is due to some excellent performances from the cast, with Sandra Ng and Vivian Chow both on great form, and with the male leads providing some effective comedy relief…” (James Mudge,

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