Women Who Kill

Women Who Kill
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Women Who Kill

Ottimo debutto della regista e sceneggiatrice Ingrid Jungermann, qui anche protagonista, che ha già guadagnato diversi premi: miglior film al Indie Street Film Festival, miglior sceneggiatura al Tribeca Film Festival e all’Outfest, miglior esordio al Frameline, ecc. Una storia, ricca di suspense dall’inizio alla fine, dove quasi tutte le protagoniste sono lesbiche o bisessuali, senza più alcun problema d’identità, ma dove circola una insistita e divertente autoironia (spesso sembrano prendersi gioco di se stesse), che ci regala un umorismo speciale ed accattivante (anche se non siamo sicuri che ci piacerebbe vivere in loro compagnia). A partire dal soggetto, la storia di una donna ossessionata dai serial killer femminili che si ritrova a sospettare della sua fidanzata. Morgan (Ingrid Jungermann, anche regista e sceneggiatrice) e Jean (Ann Carr) sono ex amanti che vivono ancora insieme nello stesso appartamento di Brooklyn, dove stanno conducendo un podcast sui serial killer femminili, intitolato “Donne che uccidono”, dove discutono e intervistano serial killer e assassine di massa. Morgan e Jean, da sempre non fanno che battibeccarsi e litigare come una vecchia coppia sposata. Nonostante le apparenze sono in realtà due donne timide, con Morgan che risulta essere la più emotivamente distaccata. Quando infatti quest’ultima incontra la misteriosa ed attraente Simone (Sheila Vand) se ne invaghisce subito, con evidente delusione della sua migliore amica Alex e altrettanto evidente gelosia di Jean. Mentre la romantica ed intensa relazione tra Morgan e Simone sembra continuare felicemente, si sussegguono una serie di sparizioni e morti inspiegabili, che portano Morgan e Jean ad indagare perfino sulla bella Simone. Sono solo strane coincidenze o Simone potrebbe essere veramente la serial killer? Quale influenza possono avere su Morgan questi sospetti? Queste domande ci lasceranno col fiato sospeso fino alla fine, anche se la principale preoccupazione della regia è soprattutto quella di scoprire e rivelarci i lati più ambigui e contraddittori delle protagoniste e dei loro sentimenti. In un gioco che, come dicevamo, è tanto intrigante quanto divertente.


Commitment phobic Morgan and her ex-girlfriend Jean are locally famous true crime podcasters obsessed with female serial killers. There’s a chance they may still have feelings for each other, but co-dependence takes a back seat when Morgan meets the mysterious Simone during her Food Coop shift. Blinded by infatuation, Morgan quickly signs up for the relationship, ignoring warnings from friends that her new love interest is practically a stranger. When Jean shows Morgan proof that Simone may not be who she says she is, Morgan accuses Jean of trying to ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to her. But as she and Simone move into commitment territory, Morgan starts to notice red flags — maybe Jean was right and Simone isn’t as perfect as Morgan’s made her out to be. Morgan and Jean investigate Simone as if she were a subject of their podcast, they uncover disturbing clues — a death at the Food Coop, a missing friend, a murder weapon — leading them to suspect her not only of mystery, but of murder. In the end, Morgan has to examine all the evidence in front of her: Is she just afraid of what it means to be in a relationship or is her life actually in danger?



trailer: Women Who Kill





VARIETY – “A shaggy, banter-driven quasi-thriller in the mode of MANHATTAN MURDER MYSTERY (or THE THIN MAN movies, for that matter), WOMEN WHO KILL offers a drolly amusing, lightly macabre variation on the standard lesbian romantic comedy.” – Dennis Harvey

HOLLYWOOD REPORTER – “Murderously smart and funny. Jungermann maintains a suitably dark undercurrent with an impressively light touch.” -Sheri Linden

INDIEWIRE – Ingrid Jungermann’s Debut is the Best Lesbian Horror-Comedy Ever. “Ingrid Jungermann’s whip-smart satire offers a wry snapshot of self-involved New York lesbians that’s both enjoyably smarmy and unsettling in equal doses.” -Eric Kohn

TIME MAGAZINE – The Best Movies at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival. “A caustically funny and anxiety-inducing feature debut.” -Eliza Berman

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY – 6 movies that wowed at the annual downtown NYC fest. “For her wry first feature, she’s poured all her mirth and deadpan into a light-footed lesbian noir… her voice is both generous and spiked with just enough misanthropy about dating to make the jokes sting.” -Joe McGovern

NEW YORK MAGAZINE | THE CUT – “A wicked little horror-comedy about podcasting, female serial killers, and Park Slope food co-ops.” -Anna Silman

HUFFINGTON POST – “Funny, wry, heartfelt, dark.” -Jillian Capewell

NEW YORK MAGAZINE | THE CUT – How a Film About Female Serial Killers, Podcasting, and Lesbian Bachelorette Parties Became an Indie Favorite.

THE FILM EXPERIENCE – “The laughs are steady and smart and nigh on rollicking.”

STAGE BUDDY – “WOMEN WHO KILL manages to be equal parts relationship drama, a droll look at the Park Slope lesbian community, and a nerve-jangling thriller.” -Joe Blessing

THE FILM STAGE – “Morbid curiosities make for unusual romantic comedy fodder in Ingrid Jungermann’s perceptive and often very funny WOMEN WHO KILL.” -John Fink

CHELSEA NOW – “The real find here, though, is multi-hyphenate Jungermann, who handled writing and directing duties, in addition to delivering a perfectly unassuming, deadpan leading turn. As a debut feature, WOMEN WHO KILL is remarkably assured, effortlessly balancing its competing tones with emotional authenticity, and more than a dash of gallows humor. Simply put, it’s the kind of homegrown gem that Tribeca, at its best, was designed to highlight and bring to the attention of a wider audience.” -Sean Egan

AM NY – “It’s not every day you get to take in a film that has roots in both thrillers and dark comedies, but director, writer and star Ingrid Jungermann weaves both genres seamlessly, in a way that feels just as authentic as the characters themselves.” -Niki Cruz

AM NY – “Ingrid Jungermann’s murderous relationship comedy offers a spin on its family-friendly Park Slope setting, capturing one of the city’s most gentrified neighborhoods with a sinister sheen that expresses the reality that nothing in New York is ever quite what it seems to be.” -Robert Levin

PAPER MAGAZINE – “Imagine SERIAL recast as a dark comedy, mixing the fear, paranoia, and sharp humor that can spring up in both relationships and murder mysteries.” -Kat Ward

NO FILM SCHOOL – “Ingrid Jungermann’s feature debut smacks of 90’s lo-fi comedies like SPANKING THE MONKEY, but the film is wholly unique.” -Liz Nord

THE INTERROBANG – Impressive Debut For Comedy Thriller About a Podcaster Who Talks About Murderers.

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