Hit and Miss

Hit and Miss
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Hit and Miss

Serie inglese creata da Paul Abbott, già creatore della bellissima serie “Shameless” originale (ma ottimo anche il rifacimento USA), col quale si possono rilevare molte somiglianze, tutte pregevoli, nonostante la vicenda sia alquanto differente dalle storie della famiglia Gallagher. La serie, composta finora da sei episodi sceneggiati da Sean Conway, è stata la prima produzione fiction del canale britannico Sky Atlantic che l’ha trasmessa nei mesi di maggio-giugno 2012 con un buon successo di critica e pubblico. Chloe Sevigny è la perfetta protagonista nel ruolo di Mia, una serial killer transessuale (pre-operazione, lo scopriamo in una scioccante scena di nudo integrale anteriore, con pene posticcio, scena che ha fatto molto discutere in patria ma che è assolutamente necessaria per seguire la trasformazione corporale della protagonista). La storia inizia con un omicidio a sangue freddo eseguito dalla protagonista, che è una killer a contratto, e che in seguito ad una lettera che riceve dalla sua ex compagna Wendy, ora malata terminale di cancro, scopre di avere avuto un figlio undici anni prma, Ryan. Dopo la morte di Wendy a Mia viene affidata la tutela legale del bambino e dei suoi tre fratellastri, Riley, Levi e Leonie, che vivono in una casa rurale nello Yorkshire. Ora Mia deve trovare il modo di conciliare una dinamica e non semplice vita famigliare, con il suo segreto professionale… La produzione aveva prima cercato un’attrice veramente transessuale, ma poi ha scelto la migliore, una grande Chloe Sevigny che è riuscita presto a superare le sue perplessità e i timori di non piacere alla comunità trans. L’attrice ha dichiarato di aver provato una grande difficoltà nel portare la protesi di un pene, cosa che le ha fatto comprendere come sia fondamentale trovarsi in sintonia col proprio corpo.

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trailer: Hit and Miss



Mia (Chloë Sevigny) la protagonista, transgender pre-op, killer a contratto.
Eddie (Peter Wight) capo di Mia, killer professionista di Manchester.
Ben (Jonas Armstrong) il flirt di Mia.
John (Vincent Regan) l’antagonista, acerrimo nemico di Mia, e proprietario del casale.
Liam (Ben Crompton) fratello di Wendy, ex-compagna di Mia.
Riley (Karla Crome) la figliastra maggiore di Mia.
Levi (Reece Noi) il figliastro di Mia.
Ryan (Jorden Bennie) il figlio di Mia.
Leonie (Roma Christensen) la figliastra minore di Mia.

EPISODI (prima stagione)

1 – Mia is informed that she fathered an 11-year-old son with her former lover Wendy who dies of cancer. She is named guardian to the boy and Wendy’s other children. She meets them at their smallholding and tries to take on a parental role but is greeted with hostility. She also doesn’t get on well with the landlord John and assaults him when he arrives to collect rent.
2 – John gives the family a month’s notice to move out of his land and refuses Mia’s offer to buy it. Mia’s boss Eddie offers to take the house under his name (allowing her to stay under the radar). Mia grows closer to Ben.
3 – Mia forces John to sell the property at gunpoint. During a kill assignment, Mia is seriously injured when a car knocks her down. She wakes in a hospital and is barely able to drive home. She reveals to Ben that she is a transsexual and he reacts negatively. Riley, who has been having a sexual relationship with John, reveals she is pregnant. John insists she get an abortion. Ben apologizes and reconciles with Mia.
4 – Ben is confused about his relationship with Mia. Leonie is momentarily abducted by Wendy’s brother Liam, but the family begins to accept him as their own. John confronts Riley about the baby and nearly strangles her to death before she uses Mia’s gun to kill him.
5 – Mia and Eddie chop up John’s body and dispose the pieces. Riley is disturbed by the ordeal. Eddie hands Mia an important job. Mia and Ben finally have sex but she is heartbroken to find that he was sleeping with someone else. A part of John’s body is discovered by some children by the lake.
6 – Mia meets her mother at a fair but is attacked by her brother. She disappears but is later traced by Ben and Ryan with help from Eddie. She convinces her mother to accept her as a woman and invites her to live with the family. Liam takes the fall for John’s murder. On a kill assignment, Mia misses the target. This puts Eddie in trouble, and he is forced to kill Mia or be killed. Meanwhile, Ben confesses his love to Mia. Eddie arrives at the farmhouse but before he can shoot Mia, Ryan points a gun at him.


I think Paul Abbott is a genius. I loved Shameless UK, then Shameless US and I love Hit & Miss already. This show has a good cast and the plot is intriguing. Chloe Sevigny is always good in any role she is given. It does remind me faintly of both the Shameless series because they dealt with “in your face” social topics in a shocking way. It does deal with a lot of the same topics as the Shameless shows. I think it has the same heart. But it’s also not like either one of those shows because it’s shot more dramatically. Its got beautiful scenes. I am writing this review because of all of the discriminatory comments about the main protagonist being a transsexual. I think it’s about time we saw a more diverse array of characters on TV shows. The world isn’t black and white and we aren’t just male and female. (utente Imdb)

I think this show is brilliant, and gives a good insight into the life of Transexuals and how hard family life is to deal with, and the whole hit-man persona adds depth and action to the series. The actors work really well together and the whole gritty British nature gives the show a true countryside British feel to the whole thing. Although of course things could be done to make it better, but it has some interesting cliffhangers that grip the audience and make them want to watch the next episode, I really feel that a 6.5 overall rating is really harsh, but that’s the peoples opinions, I myself find it an excellent and enjoyable watch. I really hope they work on a series two. (Zak Gibson, Imdb)

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