There Were Always Dogs, Never Kids

There Were Always Dogs, Never Kids
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There Were Always Dogs, Never Kids

Alan’s Alley è uno storico e fornitissimo videonoleggio nel cuore pulsante di New York, tra le gallerie d’arte del multietnico e gay-friendly quartiere di Chelsea. Un minuzioso ritratto dello storico videonoleggio e del suo carismatico proprietario, Alan Sklar, una sorta di database filmico umano. Immersi tra i polverosi scaffali del negozio, Sklar e la sua affezionata clientela, raccontano la storia di Alan’s Alley, di come sia cambiato il business sotto l’incalzare dei new media, e della sua collezione da capogiro composta da 40.000 titoli. (Festival Mix Milano)



trailer: There Were Always Dogs, Never Kids


As strange and stubborn as New York itself, Alan’s Alley is a video store that has managed to keep up with changing times paradoxically by not changing much at all. Flickering its neon proudly since 1988 on a block of Manhattan’s West Chelsea, this madcap cluster of bizarrely arranged movies, falling down tags and candy machines is equal part archive, conversation salon, and cabinet of wonders. But behind every great store is a great owner, and behind this owner is a great cat. There Were Always Dogs, Never Kids is a 23 minute profile of Alan’s Alley and its charismatic owner, human movie database Alan Sklar. Nothing pleases Alan more than supplying cinephile, industry professional or local women’s prison inmate alike, just the right entertainment for the evening. Along the way we discuss with Sklar and his devoted clientele the history of the business, the threat of new media and his staggering collection of 40,000+ titles (many rare or never-released-to-DVD)… (Imdb)

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