All That Sheltering Emptiness

All That Sheltering Emptiness
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All That Sheltering Emptiness

Una meditazione sugli ascensori, le hall degli alberghi, i biglietti da cento dollari, il bagno, i taxi, i lampadari, i cocktail, l’eccitazione, i receptionist e altre routine nella vita di un buttafuori di New York City. Film sperimentale (ricorda i lavori di Barbara Hammer e Kenneth Anger) che esplora il sesso queer senza il didatticismo del cinema narrativo. Dietro a tutto le domande: Che cos’è uno stupro?, che cos’è il consenso? La risposta arriva alla fine del film.




Like the work of queer experimental filmmakers Barbara Hammer and Kenneth Anger, All That Sheltering Emptiness uses evocative imagery to explore themes of queer sex without the didacticism that narrative film often exudes. Sycamore describes a scene with a trick in a nameless New York hotel. Images of a hotel lobby and lingering shots of pendulous chandeliers blend into the poetic narration as she talks herself through the triggering power imbalance between hooker and john, payer and payee, fucker and fuckee. Sycamore’s cadence and exaggerated upspeak mask the seriousness of the question: What is rape? What is consent? An answer of sorts comes at the end of the film when the narrator says, “I didn’t want to call it rape because it was so commonplace.” This is a brave and incredibly beautiful piece of art that everyone should see.


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