Hannah and the Hasbian

Hannah and the Hasbian
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Hannah and the Hasbian

Cosa succede se una mattina qualsiasi la tua ragazza ti comunica di non essere più lesbica ma hasbian? La prima reazione sarà sicuramente di perplessità, seguirà lo stupore, infine la rabbia. È quello che capita ad Hannah quando Breigh decide, da un giorno all’altro, di diventare etero: e così scopriamo che hasbian sta in realtà per “has been lesbian”. La migliore amica di Breigh sembra entusiasta della cosa, Hannah sicuramente non è dello stesso parere, Breigh, da parte sua, avrà molto da impare, perchè si accorgerà presto di non essere un’etero così in gamba. Presentata a Soggettiva 2011 in anteprima Italiana, Hannah and The Hasbian è una commedia divertente e minimalista che si serve di pochi ma efficaci ingredienti: tre personaggi e una rivelazione che cambierà le carte in tavola. Il regista ci catapulta, sin dalla prima scena, in un vortice di situazioni grottesche e di puro humour che non si lasciano mai attendere, riuscendo contemporaneamente a donare momenti di dolcezza e di riflessione. (Gender Bender Soggettiva)


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Breigh wants to end her relationship with Hannah, not because of anything that Hannah has done but because she wants to turn heterosexual. Hannah is extremely upset by this, not just because it is the end of her relationship with her soul mate but because she had given up everything in her life to be with Breigh, her family, her job and her religion. But it wasnt always this way; there was a time when both of them were madly in love with each other and if anything, Breigh was chasing her.
In the beginning of the relationship, Breigh was not shy about going after Hannah, or any girl for that matter, and she always got what she wanted. Hannah wasnt exactly sure what she was doing or what she was getting herself into but she didnt care. Dinka, their flatmate, was at the other end of her relationship having just broken up with her fiancee. She says shes over him but she isnt. She stalks him on Facebook all the time and is extremely upset when he has moved onto another relationship, despite the fact that the relationship ended in the first place because of her cheating.
Hannah refuses to accept that the relationship is over and tries to keep it together while her former lover is trying to become a heterosexual. But turning straight isnt as easy as Breigh thought it would be, because now instead of dealing with women, she has to deal with men, and men can be very bad at sending mixed signals. Hannah is at the very least able to hold out hope because Breigh is unable to consummate her heterosexuality and so reconciliation seems possible.
(Chris Hocking, Imdb)

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