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A causa di circostanze meteorologiche durante un trasferimento aereo, la giovane danese Iben rimane bloccata a Ljubljana. Dalla stessa città ma per tutt’altri motivi cerca di andarsene Tina, coetanea slovena impaziente di imprimere una svolta alla propria vita. Due donne, due storie, due lingue, due motivi per rinunciare a qualcosa e cercare altro: quello tra Iben e Tina è un improbabile incontro notturno, il racconto di un innamoramento imprevisto, una storia con al centro un segreto che sfida il tempismo e celebra le circostanze. Delicato ma a tratti fragoroso, agrodolce e surreale, capace di irriverenza e ironia, neoromantico e naif, esotico come potrebbe esserlo un video di Bjork, epifanico come un racconto di Miranda July, Dual è una commedia fresca che attraversa una storia d’amore fatta di slanci sconsiderati e tenera goffaggine, disseminata di ostacoli e decisioni impreviste, in continua tensione con la precarietà delle prospettive che il futuro può riservare a due giovani donne.
Secondo film del ventottenne scrittore e regista sloveno Nejc Gazvoda già acclamato autore di Trip, opera prima girata in low budget e meritatamente selezionata per la Slovenia agli Academy Awards nella sezione film stranieri.


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trailer: Dual


Due to a weather problem a plane from Denmark is forced to land at the Slovene airport. Amongst the passengers, being taken to a hotel in Ljubljana, is a quiet, beautiful young Danish girl Iben (25). This is how she meets Tina (25) who drives a shuttle as a summer job. They both need each other, but are very careful because one of them is hiding a secret. They speak to each other in English and in their native languages. Only one of the two languages has the so-called dual, a special grammatical form used in expressions that involve just two subjects. The other language does not. Dual is an honest story about two people who meet precisely at the moment when they absolutely should not have – but they are nevertheless a bit happier because they did. (Production, IMDB)


The atmosphere of “Dual” is at times surrealistic, impulsive, quiet or too loud, beautiful and so on. Quite similar to what happens between two human beings in love. Besides being a love story, Dual’s subtext is the distress of my generation of young Europeans being swallowed by the financial and economic chaos. Dual is a tiny glimpse at the uncertain journey of my generation.


Dual, which had its world premiere at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, is a tender and accessible film that deserves to find distribution and festival support.
The follow-up film to A Trip (2011), which premiered at the Sarajevo Film Festival, Slovenian director Nejc Gazvoda shows a show grip in blending playful romance with burgeoning depth of affection, and while the momentum slows in the film’s second half, the sheer charisma and charm of two leads Nina Rakovec (who also starred in A Trip) and Mia Jexen make Dual warm and watchable.
Due to a technical problem, a plane from Denmark heading to Greece lands at a Slovene airport, with the passengers eventually taken to a Ljubljana hotel for the night. Quiet young Dane Iben (Jexen) can’t face waiting in the hotel, and asks Tina (Rakovec), who drove the minibus from the airport, to drive her around the city.
The two slowly get closer. Later, when Tina is set to cycle home, Iben wanders with her, and the pair talk more deeply about what they want from life. Tina especially starts to fall for the fresh-faced Dane, but despite that fact that they seem very similar, one is hiding a terrible secret and the other is simply trying to find her place in the world.
While on the surface a love story, Dual is also a delicate drama about trying to make decisions and adjust to where you want to go in life, with Gazvoda delightfully balancing the playful innocence of a burgeoning romance set against the summer-in-the-city backdrop, the film is also about young Europeans trying to work out what their lives should be about and where they should be heading.
Beautifully shot by Darko Heric, the film also has a warm and perfectly complementary soundtrack Danish female duo Monkey Cup Dress, whose song Cold Heart is lip-synched by the cast at the start of the film to help set up the warm, whimsical and romantic nature of the film. The two leads are perfect, with Mia Jexen’s doe-eyed warmth and compassion a fine balance’s to Nina Rakovec’s nervy enthusiasm. Two young performers who will go far. (Mark Adams, screendaily.com)

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